Specialists in the field of networks and servers and linking them to modern systems

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Our services in the field of networks and servers

We provide many services in the field of networks of all kinds, as we design and install networks of all kinds according to the customer’s request


Network And Servers

We can design and install networks of all kinds, import network supplies and servers of all kinds, expand and develop networks, download and operate network operating programs, provide server hosting, and rent cloud servers


Security and Protection

MDS Technologies has contracted with leading security companies and we can provide the best ways to protect the network from viruses and internal and external breaches



To ensure continuous work without interruption, we work on continuous follow-up and periodic maintenance of your devices with annual contracts at reasonable prices

With our services you will get many advantages

As contractors with many international companies specialized in the field of protection, we surround your business with all means of security and protection


The devices used have a great ability to develop to keep pace with the specifications your business reaches and needs without stopping protection


Your work will not be affected by any potential pressure from other servers, thanks to the complete isolation of your server from them


You will not have any problem of slow network as the server has high performance speed


Your business does not need to stop or be disrupted for a period of time due to maintenance or update work, as support is continuous 24/7

Installation and setup

Our mission is to install and fully prepare the network and prepare all the basic matters in the network and server to be ready to handle your work

Technical support

We provide the best quality technical support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure the best service

We provide services to ambitious business owners and help them expand and achieve technical progress

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